My passion is to work with you to increase your confidence, health, well-being and self-love. If you feel stuck, unhappy with your body or unmotivated in your fitness journey, allow me to assist you in creating powerful and lasting change in your life. 

My passion is to work with you to increase your confidence, health, well-being and self-love. If you feel stuck, unhappy with your body or unmotivated in your fitness journey, allow me to assist you in creating powerful and lasting change in your life. 

Experience my signature coaching program that combines both technical fitness knowledge and an innovative strategy designed to improve your mindset and help you achieve your health and fitness goals. We will work to transform your mindset and build healthy habits, which will lead to sustainable results and a life you love!

If you’ve struggled with limiting beliefs that have been holding you back – I’m here to tell you that change is possible, and it can begin today.



honesty, service, results, transformation


Growing up, I had never been a big fan of exercise. I would skip PE classes at school, and had an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Before moving to Australia, I struggled to keep up with my diet and started to use exercise as a form of punishment. It was a vicious cycle that led to me feeling exhausted and unhappy with my body. 

Emotional times in my life caused me to binge eat, and I turned to food for comfort and stress-relief. This only got worse when I began yo-yo dieting, cycling between overeating and under-eating and creating an unsustainable life for myself.

In 2013 something finally clicked, and I began healing my relationship with my body and with food. My health and fitness journey has been a roller coaster of ups and downs, but ​I am so thankful for each experience. Looking back only allows me to recognise and acknowledge how far I have come! Fast forward to now, I absolutely adore working out and moving my body. I love how it makes me feel, both physically and mentally. 

I feel incredibly passionate about helping, empowering, inspiring and supporting other people on their journeys.

I decided to become a personal trainer as I wanted to support and encourage others along their own journeys, and I wanted to be able to use my experiences and knowledge to assist others. I know how important it is to have someone in your corner, believing in you and working with you! 

I turned to study life coaching as I believe intentional self-development is a game-changer and I love learning ways to help my clients and myself. I believe that magic happens when we’re outside of our comfort zones; it is in this space that we are free to transform and grow. With the right mindset, truly anything is possible. 

I feel incredibly passionate about helping, empowering, inspiring and supporting other people on their journeys. I love advocating for others and I adore being a part of their transformations. I strive to be a shining light for my clients; illuminating the way and guiding them to live the life they truly desire. 

I would love to connect with you, hear your story and be a part of your personal health and fitness transformation. 

Love Caroline x


Certificate III and IV in Fitness

CHFI Performance Nutrition Coach Level 1 & 2

Credentialed Practitioner of Coaching