My passion is to work with you to increase your confidence, health, well-being and self-love.


Caroline O’Hagan is passionate about helping women achieve more confidence, self-esteem and self-worth through performance-focused health and wellness coaching.

“My passion is to work with you to increase your confidence, health, well-being and self-love. If you feel stuck, unhappy with your body or unmotivated in your fitness journey, allow me to assist you in creating powerful and lasting change in your life.”

My Services

We will work to transform your mindset and build healthy habits, which will lead to sustainable results and a life you love!

If you’ve struggled with limiting beliefs that have been holding you back – I’m here to tell you that change is possible, and

it can begin today.



The 90-Minute emPOWER Session helps you to get clear on exactly what is holding you back and how you can transform your confidence, self-worth and self-love.

This private one-on-one coaching experience will provide you with the step-by-step instructions that you need to create real and lasting change in your life. 


  • 90-Minute Zoom Video Session

  • Detailed Minutes of Everything Discussed During The Call

  • Action List To Implement After The Call

Investment: $297



The Signature Coaching Program is the ultimate coaching experience to help you uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your dream life. This is a high-touch environment, with weekly check-in calls to help you feel fully supported and accountable. 


  • Weekly 60-Minute Call Delivered Via Zoom

  • Action List To Implement After The Call

  • Voxer Support In Between Calls During Weekday Business Hours

  • Weekly Workbook To Support Your Transformation

Investment: $150 per week

still unsure?



If you have any questions or are curious about how we could work together to improve your confidence, self-worth and self-love, I would love to connect with you!

15-Minute discovery call to discuss your unique challenges and which service will be the best fit for you to unlock your future potential.